About Yalata Anangu School
Yalata Community
Yalata community located on the Head of The Great Australian Bight and the Nullarbor Plain, 200km West of Ceduna, the nearest regional centre.
Yalata Anangu (people) speak predominately Pitjantjatjara and come from a diverse range of family and cultural backgrounds with strong links to West Coast and APY communities. Yalata community has a deep connection to country and culture.
Although remote, Yalata can be accessed by sealed road. Residents and Visitors are required to obtain permits prior to entry (please contact for current information).
Residents are able to access clinic services through Tullawon Health and weekly RFDS visits. A community shop has all essentials including fresh food and perishables, again with weekly deliveries. A mixture of housing types is set amongst the bushland focused around the community square. A community pool operates 6 days a week during Term 1 and 4.
Working at Yalata Anangu School
Working in a remote location is both challenging and rewarding. To be living and working in an environment rich in culture provides a unique opportunity.
The staff at Yalata Anangu School are a collegial, fun group of people dedicated to teaching and learning. They work closely with Anangu Educators to co-teach and provide culturally responsive curriculum that is engaging and supportive of students.
Staff engage in Berry Street Foundation approach to supporting student resilience and engagement and this is in conjunction with 10 Essential Skills in Classroom Management which underpins our approach to behaviour management across the site.
New staff are required to attend an Induction Program prior to their appointment. The program includes an introduction to Anangu Culture to 4WD training over an 5 day period. Fortnightly staff meetings involve both Piranpa and Anangu staff and provide an opportunity for whole site decision making. Alternate meetings are focussed on whole site approach to advancing the goals of the Site Improvement Plan and provide opportunities for whole site analysis of student learning data as well as monitoring the actions of the SIP. Year level meetings and PLC’s across the partnership provide opportunities for regular professional contact.
The leadership team consisting of Principal, Deputy Principal, Early Years Coordinator and Coordinator of Personal Learning meet fortnightly to discuss DfE and partnership initiatives, whole site planning and programming and provide an opportunity for a consistent approach to line management.
Yalata Anangu School – playgroup through to year 12. There are 5 classes with mixed year levels. The NIT subject is Health/PE, Pitjantjatjara Language teacher supported by Anangu Educators, FLO youth worker and a teacher in both the playgroup and the preschool in the Child Family Centre.
Yalata Child and Family Centre
The Family centre comprises of a playgroup and a preschool and both have a full-time teacher and Anangu Educator working as a team to ensure the programs run effectively.
Yalata Playgroup
Parents and caregivers can access the centre from 8:30-12 daily and participate in activities based of the Families as First Teachers early literacy program. In 2021 the average attendance for playgroup is 13-16 babies and toddlers under the age of 3. Tullawon Health access the centre to provide health checks and visiting services such as Australian Hearing also access children and families, run their own programs and conduct regular ear health checks.
Yalata Preschool
The preschool program runs 4 days a week, with children having access to the Playgroup program on Fridays if they would like to attend. The service aims to run integrated learning programs, and encourage much family and community engagement. 2021 enrolments are approximately 14 children which varies depending on community commitments. Our Strategic Direction is to engage families and community with the learning environment and curriculum development. Draw on EYLF and NQS to inform best practice and pedagogy. Engage in ongoing professional development and reflective practices for effective teaching and learning.
Australian Curriculum
At Yalata Anangu School educators plan and program against the Australian Curriculum with consideration to the pedagogy required to ensure our students experience a culturally responsive approach to teaching and learning. In responding to transiency and complex needs of students in an EAL/D context we adopt an approach to teaching that responds to individual student needs. We do this by working closely with Anangu Educators in the planning and delivery of the curriculum.
This is evident in our Learning through doing (LTD) approach to Maths, 2Way Science program which has strong connections to culture and encompasses the HASS learning area and literacy programs that are planned to ensure continuity of teaching from reception through to year 12.
Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is scheduled weekly across the site.
First Language Maintenance and Development (FLMD) implements Aboriginal first language learner pathways and is taught by Anangu Educators supported by classroom teachers
Our curriculum provides opportunities through visiting specialists for students to access the Arts and Sports which is connected to the curriculum. Bush trips are conducted regularly to provide community with opportunities to engage with students around history and culture.
There is a shared and targeted focus on coherent secondary pathways including FLO, Wiltja, TTC, SACE and VET. Students regularly attend the Trade Training Centre (TTC) to achieve SACE credits and VET certificates as well as working in class to work toward achieving Stage 1 and 2 SACE.